Exhibit 10.19


2019 Di)a)C)ar t)a, I nc. All rights reserved. e DIACARTA CLINICAL TESTING & DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT Nonagen Bioscience Corporation Date Prepared DiaCarta, Inc. Nonagen Bioscience Corporation A pril 26 , 202 2 4385 Hopy)ard Rd, Ste 100 Ple)as)a nto n, )CA 94588 United St)ates P: +1 510 - 878 - 6662 F: + 1 510 - 735 - 8636 E: inform)ation@di)ac)art)a.com 3680 Wilshire Blvd Ste P04 - 1399 Los Angeles, )CA 90010 United St)ates P: E: info@non)agen.com


Di)a)C )art)a )Clinic)al Testing Agree ment – Non)agen P )age 2 of 11 THIS AGREEMENT IS MA DE THIS DAY A PRIL 27, 202 2 BY AND BETWEEN NONAGEN BIOSCIENCE C ORPORATION WITH ITS PRIN)CIPAL P LA)CE OF BUSINESS LO)CATED AT 3680 WILSHIRE BLVD S TE P04 - 1399, LOS ANGELES, )C A 9001 0 , USA (THE ")COMPANY" )) AND DIACARTA, INC. WITH ITS PRIN)CIPAL P LA)C E OF BUSINESS LO)CATE D 4385 H OPYAR D RD, STE 100, PLEAS ANTON, )CA 94588, USA (THE " )CLINI)CAL LABORATORY "))Cla. Definitions .. For purposes of this Agreement, the terms below sh)al l h)ave the me)anings set forth below. Services : me)ans )any l)abor)atory testing services or p)art thereof sol d or per forme d by )Clinic)al L)abor)atory using )a Product Kit for one of the 3 indic)ations: bl)adder c)ancer surveill)ance, ev)alu)ating hem)aturi)a )and predicting response to B)CG .. Product Kit : me)ans the )Comp)any ’ s b l)adder c)ancer di)agnostic k it, Oncuri)a ® .. E xclusi ve Per iod : me)ans the period beginning on the Effe ctive D)ate )and ending upon FDA )approv)al or cle)ar)ance for one of the 3 indic)ations noted )above unless termin)ated sooner pursu)ant to P)art 9 ( B)) .. Field : me)ans the field of bl)adder c )a ncer identific)ation, screen ing, s t)aging, predisposition, di)agnosis, prognosis, monitoring, prevention, or tre)atment selection thereof in hum)ans for clinic)al decision m)aking. Prim)ary Territory : In North Americ )a, including United St)ates )and )C)an)a d )a. Supplier : me )ans the )Co m p)any ’ s desig n)ated supplier of the Product Kit. NOW, THEREFORE, IN )C ONSIDERATION OF THE PROMISES HEREINAFTER MADE BY THE PARTIES HERETO, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: PART 1. APPOINTMENT OF CLINICAL TESTING RIGHTS a. Te s ting Right s .. )Comp)any hereby gr)a n ts to )Clinic )al L)abor)atory the )ability to use the product kit to test, perform, m)arket, offer for s)ale, sell )and otherwise commerci)alize Services solely within the Field during the Term )as )a l)abor)atory developed test (LDT))Cha. T he services gr)anted under this s ectio n sh)all be exclusive )and non - tr)ansfer)able t o )C linic)al L)abor)atory in the Field in the Prim)ary Territory during the Exclusive Period, )and )autom)atic)ally becomes non - exclusive there)after. Non)agen reserves the right to gr)an t Dr. )Ch)arles Rosser the right t o use the P ro duct K it f or the purposes of c onducting c linic)al t ri)als. Furthermore, Non)agen reserves the right to gr)ant other rese)archers, )at its sole discretion, the right to use the P roduct K it solely for the purposes of )ac )a demic rese)arch. b. Obligation. T h e )Cli nic)al L )abor)atory will t)arget customers who )are clinici)ans or clinici)an groups who ev)alu)ate )and/or m)an)age bl)adder c)ancer p)atients )and di)agnostics l)abor)atories .. Licensed S ervices will be uplo)aded in the )Clinic)al L)abor)ato r y di)agnostic test menu for thei r cust o mers t o e nsure )accessibility for the p)atients, tre)ating physici)an s )and di)agnostics l)abor)ator ies .. The )Clinic)al L)abor)atory will )also t)arget clinici)ans working on Person)alized Medicine )and other st)akeholders such )as poli c y m)akers. )Clinic)al L )a bor)at ory )a gr ees to use commerci)ally re)ason)able efforts to commerci)alize Services. c. Pr oduct .. )Comp)any h)as )adopted )a sep)ar)ate onbo)arding process to )authorize )Clinic)al L)abor)atory to pl)ace Purch)ase Orders with the )Comp)any’s Supp l ier for the product. Supplier i s then )auth or ized to sell Product to )Clinic)al L)abor)atory under Supplier’s sep)ar)ate purch)ase )a greement with )Clinic)al L)abor)atory.


Di)a)C )art)a )Clinic)al Testing Agree ment – Non)agen P )age 3 of 11 d. Competitive Products. )Clinic)al l)abor)atory m)ay not offer other hum)an bl)adder c)ancer di)agno s tics tests )as l)abor)atory developed te sts ( LDTs )) or in vitro di)agnost ics ( IVDs )) .. P A RT 2. PRIC IN G AND PURCHASING For purposes of this Agreement, “Net S)ales” me)ans the revenue gener)ated by )Clinic)al L)abor)atory from the s)ale of the Product Kits but excludes )any: (i)) discounts )allowed in )amounts custom)ary in t he tr)ade; (ii)) s)ales t)ariffs, d u ties )and/o r t)axes imposed on s uch Product; (iii)) outbound tr)ansport)ation prep)aid or )allowed; )and (iv)) )amounts )allowed or credited on returns. For the )avoid)ance of doubt, no deduction from Net S)ales sh)all be m )ade for commis s ions p)aid to individu)als (wheth e r independ en t s)ales )agents or persons regul)arly employed by )Comp)any or )Clinic)al L)abor)atory))Cha. The pricing )and purch)asing of the P roduct K its to the )Clinic)al L)abor)ator y will be set forth in the )Clinic)al L)a bor)atory’s sup p ly )agreement with the )Comp)any’s S upplier. )Clinic)al L)abor)atory will ret)ain sixty six percent ( 6 6 %))Cva of the net s)ales, while )Comp)any will be p)aid thirty three percent ( 33 %))Cva of the net s)ales. )Clinic)al L)abor)atory will remit to )Comp)any th is rem)aining per c ent)age within thirty (30)) d)ays o f its rece ip t of the rel)ated p)ayments from the third p)arty. )Comp)any sh)all h)ave the right, upon re)ason)able notice to )Clinic)al L)abor)atory, to )audit the books )and recor ds of )Clinic)al L)abor)atory in order to determine the )a ccur)acy of the Product Percent)a g e P)ayments m )ade pursu)ant to this Secti on. The costs of such )audit sh)all be p)aid by )Comp)any unless the )audit discovers )an underp)ayment of five percent (5%)) or more, in whic h event the costs of s uch )audit sh)all be p)aid by )Cli n ic)al L)abor)atory. )Comp)any m)ay e x ercise suc h )audit right no more th)an once per ye)ar. Late Payment .. Any sum of money due to )Comp)any under this Agreement which is not duly p)aid on time sh)all be)ar interest from t he due d)ate of p)ayment until the )actu)al d)ate o f p)ayment )at the r)ate of one )and )a h)alf per ce nt (1.5%))Cha per month )accumul)ated on )an )annu)al b)asis. PART 3. DILIGENCE Specific Diligence Milestones .. )Clinic)al L)abor)atory )agrees to use commerci)ally re)ason)ab le efforts to meet )all of the followin g due diligenc e requirements : • A chieve the )Com m erci)al L)au nc h D )ate within t wo months (2)) following the su ccessful v)alid)ation of the product in the )Clinic)al L)ab or)atory : • P erform )and sell )at le)ast Two Thous)and F iv e H un dred (2, 5 0 0 )) tests th)at )are Serv ices wit hin the first ye)ar of the )Commerci)al L)aunch D )ate (cumul)ative , o ver such o ne ( 1 )) ye)ar period)) ; • P erform )and s ell )at le)ast S even Thous)and Five Hundred ( 7 , 5 00))Cga tests th)at )are Services within two (2)) ye)ars of the )Co mmerci)al L)aunch D)ate (cumul)ative, over such t wo (2))Cva ye)ar period))Cva; • P erfo r m )and sell )at le)ast F ifteen Thous)and (1 5 , 000))Cga tests th)at )are Services within three (3)) ye )a rs of the )Co m merci)al L)aunch D)ate (cumul)ative, o v e r s uch three (3))Cha ye)ar period))Cha )and • M )a int)ain Twenty Thous)and ( 20 ,00 0 )) tes t s s)ales )annu)ally going forw)ard .. In the event )C linic)al L)a bor)ator y f)ails to meet its oblig)ations described )above )an d if ope n rece i pt of writte n not ice of such f)ailure is not cured by )Clinic)al L)abor)atory w ithin one hundred )and tw enty d)ays (120))Cga d)ays, then )a s )Comp)any’s sole )and exclusive remedy, )Comp)any s h)all h)ave the rig ht to termin)ate the Agreement upon written notice to )Clin ic)al L)a b or)atory.


Di)a)C )art)a )Clinic)al Testing Agree ment – Non)agen P )age 4 of 11 PART 4 .. MARKETING AND SALES SUPPORT A. Sales. )Clinic)al L)abor )atory sh)all use its best efforts to promote the s)ale )and distribution of the Product Kit )and to prov ide )adequ)a te supp ort, which efforts sh)all include the following: i. Provide )an )adeq u )ate, tr)ained s)al es )and technic)al st)aff to promote the s)a le )and support of the Product Kit ; ii. Undert )ake promotion)al c)amp)aigns )an d c)anv)as prospect ive users to stimul)ate the s)ale s of Produ ct Kit ; iii. Provide )Comp)any with forec)asts every qu)arter of its pro b)abilit y requirement s fo r the next six months for Product, such fore c)asts to be in such m)anner )and on form s to be specified by )Comp)any )and )agreed to by )Clinic)al L)abor)atory ; iv. Furtherm ore, )all )C linic)al L)abor)atory employees in direct cont)act with custome rs must h)ave )a biomedic)a l b)ackground )and experience. B. Advertising. )Comp)any )and its )af fili)ates sh)all )assist the )Clinic)al L)abor)atory on )all )a dvertising, s)ale s promotion, )and publi c rel)atio ns c)amp)aig ns to b e conducted )and sh)all provide necess)ary technic)al in form)ation )an d )assist)ance .. C. Training. )Comp)any )and its )affili)ates sh)all furnish tr)ainin g of )Clinic)al L)abor)atory' s s)ales )and technic)al repre se nt)atives )at v)ari ous times mutu)ally )agreed to by the P)arti es )and )Comp)any sh)all design)ate loc)ations )as for this purpos e. Enrollmen t in tr)ainin g courses sh)all be limited to )a re)ason)able number of persons w ho sh)all be sufficiently qu )alified to t)ake the cours es .. Tr)aining m)ay b e provided using on - line tools , w ebin)ars or in - p erson modules .. D. Regional Technical Support. Th e )Clinic)al L )a bor)atory wi l l )assign one design)ated employee to )act )as technic)al support for the )Comp)any ’ s P roduct Kit .. The )Comp)any will prov id e regul)ar worksh ops )and )adv)anced tr)aining on )al l Product Kits .. PART 5 .. DELIVERY A. Product. )Comp)any h)as )ado pted )a sep)ar )a te onbo)ardi n g process to )authorize )Clinic)al L)abor)atory to pl)ace Purch)ase Orders with the )Comp)any’s Supplier for the product. Su pplier is then )a uthorized to sell Product to )Cl inic)al L)ab or)atory under Supplier’s sep)ar)ate purch)ase )agreement with )C linic)al L)abo r )atory .. B. Pu r chase Orders. )Clinic)al L)abor)atory sh)all order Product Kits by written notice to )C omp)an y’s Supplier .. E)ach order sh )al l specify the nu mber of units to be shipped, th e type of units t o be shipped ()as identified by Supplier’s c)at)al ogue number d esign )ations indic)ated in the Price List))CIAa including )all option)al fe)atures, )and the desired method o f shipment. C. Shipment .. All shipments of Product Kits sh)all be m)ade by Supplier d esign)at ed by )Comp)any to ship product .. )Comp)any sh)all no t be in def)a u lt by re)aso n of )any f)ailure of Supplier to provide the Product Kits , n or sh)all the )Comp)any )at )any time be li)able for )any inci de nt)al, speci)al or consequenti)al d)am)ages. PART 6 .. PROPRIE TARY RI GHTS


Di)a)C )art)a )Clinic)al Testing Agree ment – Non)agen P )age 5 of 11 A. Use of Company Name. )Comp)any expressly proh ibits )any direc t or indirec t use, reference to, or other employment of its n)ame, tr)adem)ar ks, or tr)ade n)ame exclusi vely licensed to )Comp)any, e xc ept )as specified in this Agreement or )as expres sly )author ized by )Comp)any in writing. All )a dvertising )and other pr omotion)al m)ater i )al will be s ubmitted to )Comp)any )at le)ast 14 working d)ays in )adv)ance )and w ill only be used if )Comp)a ny consents thereto, which co nsent sh)all not be unre)ason)ably withheld. Furth ermore, Th e )Comp)a ny will use best comm erci)al efforts to respond wi thin 3 working d )ays from th e initi)al d)ate of submission. )Comp)any hereby )authorizes )and re quires )Clinic)al L)abor)ator y's use of the )Comp)any's in si gni)a or letterin g which will be on the products )at the ti me of t he delivery. )Comp)any hereby )authorizes the )Clinic )al L)abor)atory's use of the l ogo set forth below. The )Clinic)al L)abor)atory sh)all submit to the )Comp)any in writing fu ll p)articul)ars prior to )any u se of the )Comp)an y’s logo, on st)ationery, invoic es, promot ion m)at eri)al or otherwise, )and sh)all not proceed with su ch use unless )a n d until the )Comp)any's written )approv)al sh)all h)ave been received. i. )Co mp)any’s logo sh)all be the following: ii. If the )autho ri zed logo is used on )any st)ationery, invoices, p romotion m )ateri)al or otherwise by )Clinic)al L)abor)atory , )Clinic )al L)abor)atory w i ll, on term i n)ation of this Agreement, or upon request of )Comp)any, discont inue the use of such logo on )any st)ationery, invoice s, promotion m)ater i)al or otherwise )and there)after will not use, ei ther directly or indirectly in connection with it s business, su c h logo or )an y other n)ames, titles of expressions so ne)arly resembling the s)ame )as would likely le)ad to confusion or uncert)aint y, or to deceive t he public. B. Patent Indemnity. )C omp)any )agr ees, )at its own expense, to indemnify, defend )and hold h )armless )Clinic)a l L)abor)atory )and its customers from )and )ag)ainst every expense, d)am)age, cos t )and loss (including )att orneys' fees incurred)) )and to s)atisfy )all jud gments )and decrees resulting fr om )a cl)aim , suit or proceeding insof)ar )as it is b)ased upon )a n )alle g)ation th)at the Product Kit or )any p)art thereof furnished by )Comp)any or )any process which is pr)acticed in the cust om)ary use of the Product Ki t is or h)as been i nfringing upon )any p)atent, copy right or p ropriet )ary right, if )Comp)any is notified promp tly of suc h cl)aim in writ i ng )and give n )authority, )and full )and proper inform)ation )and )assist)ance ()a t )Comp)any's expense)) for the defense of s)ame. In c)as e the Product Kit , or )any p)art thereof, in such s uit is hel d to co nstitute )an infringement )and the use of s)aid Prod uct Kit or p)art is enjoined , )Comp)any sh)all, in its sole discretion )and )at its own expense , either procure for the indemnitee the right to con ti nue using s)aid P roduct Kit or p)art or repl)ace o r modify t he s)ame with nonperform)ance or c)ap)acity or )affect its co mp)atibility wit h the h)ardw)a r e or firmw)are comprising the Product Kit or the softw)are util ized thereon. C. Drawings and Data. The )Comp)any suppl ie s )all necess)ary d)at)a for the proper test, oper)a tion, use )and rep orting of its Product Kit .. Portions of this d)at)a )are propriet)ary in n)ature )a n d will be so m)arked. The )Clinic)al L)abor)atory )agrees to )a bide by the terms of such m)arkings )and to be li)ab le fo r )all loss or d)a m)age incurred by the )Comp)any )as )a result of the improper or un)authorized use of such d)at)a. The )Co mp)any ret)ains f o r itself )al l propriet)ary rights in )and to )all designs, clinic)al d)at)a, eng ineering det)ails, )and oth er d)at)a pert)aining to )an y P ro duct Kit specifi ed in the contr)act )and to )all d iscoveries invent ions, p)atent rights, etc.,


Di)a)C )art)a )Clinic)al Testing Agree ment – Non)agen P )age 6 of 11 )arising out of w ork done in connectio n with the co ntr)act )and to )any )and )all Product Kits developed )as )a result thereof, including th e so le right to m)anuf)acture )any )a nd )all such prod ucts. P ART 7 .. CONFIDENTIALIT Y A. During the Ter m of this Agreement )and for )a period of two (2)) ye)ar the re)after, e)ach P)arty (“Receiving P)arty”))Cga sh)all tre)at )all d)at)a, inform)ation )and m)ate ri)als disclosed or provid ed by the other P)arty (“Disclosing P)arty”))Cga in perform)ance of the Services )and the M)ateri)als ( “)Confidenti)al Inform)ation”))Cla )as confidenti)al )and propriet )ary of the Disclosing P)arty )and sh)all not permit such )Confidenti)al Inform)ation to be disclosed to or used b y )any third p)arty )and sh)all not use )Confident i)al Inform)ation for )any purposes other th)an for the perform)ance of the Services or other )activities cons istent with this Agreement. Both )Cl inic)al L)abor)atory )and )C omp)any m)ay receive )and sh)al l keep confidenti)al )a n y info rm)atio n tr)ansmitted in confidence from one P)arty (the “Disclosing P)arty”))Cha to the other P)arty (the “Receiving P)arty”))Cga. T he oblig)ations of the Receiving P)arty reg)arding c onfidenti)a lity for )any info rm)ation disclosed hereunder s h)all not include: i. Infor m )ation which is or becomes publicly known thr ough no wrongful )act of the Receiving P)arty; ii. In form)ation which w)as known to the Re ceiving P)arty prior to signing this document )as evidenced by its written records; )and iii. Inform)ation which is received by the Recei v ing P)a rty fr om )a third p)arty without restric tion of confidenti)ality; )and iv. Inform)ation th)at is independently developed by or on b eh)alf of the Receiving P)arty without reli)ance o n the )Conf identi)al Inform)ation received hereunder, )as re )ason )ably evidenced by its writte n reco rds. B. A Receiving P)arty sh)all d isclose the )Confidenti)al Inform)ation only to its employees who must h)ave )access t o the )Confidenti)al Inform)ation in order to perfor m services under this Agreement. C. A Receiving P)arty sh)a ll n ot use )any )Confidenti )a l Info rm)atio n except for the perform)ance of the Services .. D. If disclosures of )Confidenti)al In form)ation )are requested by )any gover nment)al )agency, the Receiving P)arty sh)all promp tly notify the Disclosing P)arty of such request. E. If )Comp)an y instructs )Clinic)al L )abor)atory no t to comply with such request f or disclosure )and i ndemnifies )Clinic)al L)abor)ator y )ag)ainst loss, cost, or e xpense )ari sing from deni)al of the request, )Clinic)al L)abor )atory sh)al l not rele)ase )any such )Confidenti)al In form)ation except where such disc l o sure is comp elled by court ord er or )applic)a ble l)aw. In the event such disclosu re is require d by )a v)alid order of )a co urt or oth er government)al body h)aving jurisdiction or by )applic)able l)aw, )Clinic)al L)a bor)atory m)ay disclose )Confidenti)al Inform)ation, witho u t viol)ating i ts oblig)ations under this Agree ment, provided th)at )Clinic)al L)abor)atory gives re )aso n)able prior written not ice to )Com p)any of such required disclosure. PART 8 .. WAR RANTY A. Kit Warranty. )Comp)any w)arr)ants th)at the P roduct K its )are free from defect )a nd )are fit f or its specific purpose unless the shipping con t)ainer h)as been d)am)aged in tr)ans it. D)am)age constitutes the shipping cont)ainer h)as been opened ()and therefore possibly t)ampered w ith))CIAa or h)a s the p)ack)aging )and insul )ating m)ateri)al been compromised such th)at the P roduct K it m )ay h)ave subjected to un)accept)ably high


Di)a)C )art)a )Clinic)al Testing Agree ment – Non)agen P )age 7 of 11 temper)atures. )Comp)any does not w)arr)ant the perform)anc e of the P roduct K it pe rformed by 1)) untr)ained or unqu)alified personne l 2))CIAa when used with equipment o r re )agents not specified by the )Comp )any. THIS )CONS T ITUTES THE S OLE WARRANTY WITH REGARDS TO PRODU )CT KITS MADE BY )COMPANY EITHER E XPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIE S EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WHI)CH EXTEND BEYOND THE FA)CE HEREO F , HEREIN, IN)CLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER)CHANTAB ILITY AND FITN E SS FOR A PAR TI)CULAR PURPOSE. I N NO EVENT SHALL )COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY IN)CID ENTAL OR )CONSEQUENTIAL DAM AGES AND )COMPANY’S REME DIES SHALL BE LIMITED TO REPAIR OR REPLA)CEMENT OF NO N)CONF O RMING KITS .. B. Misus e of Product. Any t)ampering, misuse o r negligence i n h)andling o r use of Product Ki ts renders the w)arr)anty void. Further, the w)arr)a nty is void if, )at )an y time, )Clinic)al L)abor)atory )attempts to m)ake )any intern)al ch)anges to )any o f the comp onents of the Product Kit ; if )at )any time the power suppli ed to )any p)ar t of the Prod uct Kit exceeds the r)ated toler)anc e; if )any extern)al device )att)ache d by )Clinic)al L)abor)at ory cre)at es conditions exce eding the toler)ance of the Product Kit ; or if )a ny ti me th e seri)al number pl)ate is removed or def)aced. USE OF PRODU)C T KIT THAT RE N DERS THIS WA RRANTY VOID WILL BE DEFINED TO IN)C LUDE ALL OF THE POSSIBILITIES DES )CRIBED IN THIS PARAGR APH, TOGETHER WITH ANY PRA)C TI)CE WHI)CH RESULTS IN )CONDITIONS EX)CEEDING THE DESIG N TOL ERAN)CE OF THE PRODU)CT .. PART 9 .. TERM AND TERMINATION A. Ter m. The term o f this Agreem ent sh)all commence on the Effectiv e D)ate )and continue for )a period of three (3)) ye)ars (t he “Term”))Cha, except th)at if )any Work Order is still in progress upon the ex pir)at ion o f such three (3)) ye)ar period, the Term will expire upon co mpl etion of t h e rel)ated Wo rk Order. Upon exp ir)ation, the p)a rties m)ay mutu)ally )agree to renew the Term for )any per iod specified in )a written )amendment to this Agreement. Otherwise, neithe r p)ar ty sh )all h)ave )any rem)ainin g oblig)ation )arising under this Agree men t. Termin)a t ion sh)all no t relieve either p)a rty of oblig)ati ons incurred prior thereto. B. Term ination. I n )addition to the rights of termin)atio n provided elsewhere in this Agreement, )and wit hout limit ing )any other rights or remedies )av)ail)able to )a p)arty, the Term of this Agree ment m)a y be termin)ated: )a. b y )Comp)any, )at )a ny time within three hundred )and sixty five (365))Cla d)ays )after the Effective D)ate o f this Agreement, for )any re)ason, immedi)ately u pon w ritte n notice to )Clinic)al L)abor)atory; b. by )Comp)any, )at )any time )after th r ee hundred )a nd sixty five (365)) d)ays )after the Effective D)ate of this Agreement , for )any re)ason, upo n ninety (90))Cha d)ays prior wr itten notice to )Clinic)al L)abor)atory; d. by e ither p)art y bec)ause of )any m)ate ri)al bre)ac h of this Agreement by the other p)arty u p on th irty (30))CIAa d)ays prio r written notic e; provided, however, th)at if suc h bre)aching p)arty sh)a ll within the for egoing thirty (30))Cga d)ay period cure such bre)ach, then such notice of termin)atio n sh)all be of no effect; or )a. b y either p)art y immedi)ately upon written notic e in the event th)at the other p)arty ce)ases to fu nction )as )a going con cern; the other p)arty ce)ase s to conduct its oper)ation in the norm)al course of b usine ss; )a receiver is )app ointed for the other p)arty; )a court o rders the sei z ure or suspe nsion of the other p)arty’s rights or properties; or the other p)arty otherwise t)akes )adv)a nt)age of )any b)ankruptcy or insolvency l)aw.


Di)a)C )art)a )Clinic)al Testing Agree ment – Non)agen P )age 8 of 11 C. Effect of Termination .. The def initi ons )a nd provisions of P )art 7 , 8, 9B )and 10 survive expir)ation o r termin)ation of this Agre ement for )any re)aso n. Upon expir)a tion or termin)ation of this Agree ment, )Clinic)al L)abor)a tory ’s rights )and license u nder P)art 1 sh)all termin)ate. In )addition, e)ach p)arty sh)al l ce)ase use of the ot her p)arty’s )Confidenti)al Inform)ation, )and e)ach p)ar t y sh)all retu rn to the other p)ar ty )all of such other p)arty’s )Confidenti)al Inform )ation (including )all copies, notes, summ)aries or other document)ation incorpor)ating )Confidenti)al Info rm)ati on))Cha, m)ateri)als )and pr oper ty; provided, however, th)at e)ach p)arty m)ay ret )a in one copy of )any such inform)a tion )and m)ateri )als in such p)arty’s L)aw Dep)artmen t for )archive purpose s, )and e)ach p)arty sh)all not be required to destroy or delete copies th)at h )ave b ecome embedded in its elec tron ic stor)age systems through routin e b)ackup proc e sses, )and fu rther provided th)at )Comp)any m)ay co ntinue ret)aining )and/or using inf orm)ation included in reports furnished by )Clinic )al L)abor)atory pursu)ant to P)art 1 )and 2 )above, s olely in o rder to verify )Clinic )al L)abor)atory ’s fulfilment of its p)ay ment oblig)ati o ns under thi s Agreement. Any te rmin)ation of )Cl inic)al L)abor)atory by )Comp)any , sh)a ll not relieve )Clinic )al L)abor)atory of )any oblig)a tion or li)ability )accrued under this Agreement prior to s uch te rmin)ation or re scind )any p)ayment .. Termin)ation sh)all not )affect in )any m)anner )a ny rights or oblig)a tion of )Comp)any )arising under this Agreement pri or to such termin)atio n. P ART 1 0 .. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Relationship of Parties. The rel)ati onship betwee n the p)arties est)ablished by thi s Agreement sh)a ll be solely th)at of vendor )and v endee )and )all rights )and powers not expressly gr )anted to the )Clinic)al L)abor)atory )are expressly reser ved t o the )C omp)any. The )Cl inic)al L)abor)atory sh)all h)ave no right , power or )au t hority in )an y w)ay to bind the )C omp)any to the f ulfillment of )any condition not h erein cont)ained, or t o )any contr)act or oblig)atio n, expressed or implied. B. Independent Parties. Nothi ng co nt)ained in this Agree ment sh)all be construed to m)ake the )C linic)al L)abor )a tory the )age nt for the )Comp)any for )any purpose , )and neither p)arty hereto sh)all h)ave )any right wh)atso ever to incur )any li)abiliti es or obli g)ations on beh)alf or binding upon the othe r p)ar ty. The )Clinic)al L)abo r)atory specific)ally )agrees th)at it sh )all h)ave no p o wer or )autho rity to represent t he )Comp)any in )any m)anner; th)at it will solicit o rders for products )as )an independent contr)a ctor in )accord)ance with the terms of this Agreement ; )and th)at it will not )at )any ti me represent the )Comp)any in )any m)anne r; th)at it wi l l solicit or ders for products )a s )an indep endent contr)actor in )accord)ance with t he terms of this Agre ement; )and th)at it wil l not )at )any time represent or)ally or in writing to )any person or corpor)ation or ot her business entity th)at it h)as )any r ight, power o r )authority n ot expressly gr)ante d by this Agreement. C. Indemnity. )Clinic)al L)abor )atory sh)all indemnify , defend )and hold h)armless )Comp)any )and its officers, employees )and sh)areh o lders (her ein referred to joint ly )and sever)ally )as “ )Comp)any Indemnit ees ”))Cla from )an d )ag)ainst )any third p)arty cl)aim, )and )all r esulting )and/or rel)a ted li)ability, d)am )age, loss, costs )and expenses including re)ason)ab le out of - pocket leg)al costs, re)ason)able out o f - pocket )at torneys’ fees )and lit ig)ation expenses incurred by or impos ed upon the )C o mp)any Indemn itees )as )a result o f )and/or )a rising from: (i)) the development, m)ark eting, s)ale, perform)a nce, use or other commerci)a liz)ation )and/or exploit)ation of )any Service by )Clinic)al L )abor)atory or )any pers on )acting in the n)ame of or on beh)alf of )any of th e foregoing, or )acquiring, direc tly or ind irectly, )any Service from )any of the f oregoing; (ii))Cha the ex ploit)ation or use of produc t kit by )Clinic)al L)abor)atory; (iii))Cla )and/or bre )a ch of this Agreement by )Clinic)a l L)abor)atory’s. Notwithst)anding the foregoing, th e foregoing o blig)ation of )Clinic )al L)abor)at ory sh)all not )apply to the extent th)at )any cl)aim rel)ates to or )arises from )any misrepr esent)ation, negligence or willful misconduct o f )Comp)any, or from )Comp)any’s bre )ach of this Agreement.


Di)a)C )art)a )Clinic)al Testing Agree ment – Non)agen P )age 9 of 11 D. Assign ment. Neither this Agreeme nt nor the respecti ve rights )and oblig)ations of the p)arties under t his Agreement m)ay be )assigned, tr)ansferred, dele g)ated or subcontr)acted in whole or in p)art, by either p)ar ty to )any other Entit y without the prior written consent o f the other p )a rty which co nsent sh)all not be unre)ason)ab ly denied, conditioned or del)ayed. Not withst)anding the fore going, )Comp)any sh)all be ent itled to )assign this Agreement (in whole or in p)art))Cha or i ts rights )and oblig)at ions hereunder to )an Affili)ate or to )a third p)arty th)at succeed s to )all or subst)an ti)ally )all of the business or )assets of )Comp)any rel)ating to this Agre ement whether by s)ale, merg er, oper)a tion of l)aw or otherwise, provided in e)ach c)ase th)at such )assignee )ag rees to be bound in writing by the te rms of this A g reement. Sub ject to the prior s entence, t he rights, duties, )and oblig)ations of the p)arties under thi s Agreement sh)all inure to the benef it )and sh)all be binding upon their re s pective su ccessors )and permitte d )assigns. E. Insurance .. )Clinic)al L)ab or)atory sh)all procure )and m)aint)ain, )at its so le cost )an d expense, insur)ance policies in )amoun ts re)ason)able )and cus tom)ary in the industry )and sufficient to cover its li)abilities )and oblig)a t ions under this Agreement, t)aki ng into )account the )actu )al st)age of S ervice develo p ment )and com merci)aliz)ation of )a ny product kit. The insur)ance cover)age required )above sh)all not be co nstrued to cre)ate )a limit o f )Clinic)al L)abor)atory’s li)ability with respect to its ind emnific)ation oblig)ati ons under the )above Sec tion. )Clinic)al L)abor)atory s h )all provide )Comp)any with writte n evidence of such insur)ance upon request. F. Own ership .. For purposes of cl)arific)ation, the p)arti es )acknowledge )and )agree th)at this Agreement i s not inten ded to nor )assigns or wi ll )assign, or tr)ansfer )any ownersh ip of intelle c tu)al propert y or know - how owned by )Comp)an y to )Clinic)al L)abor)atory. Inventorshi p of )any invention in vented or cre)ated in connec tion with this Agreement will be determined by United St)a tes p)atent l)aw, )and o wne rship sh)all follow inventorship. G. Status of P a rties .. This Agreement cre)ates n o rel)ation ship of joint venturers, p)artners, or princip)al )and )agent b etween the p)arties. Furthe r, neither p)arty sh)all be )authorized to )act on beh)alf of, or ot herwise bind th e other p)arty. H. Notices .. Any notice c ontempl)ated o r required or permitted to be gi ven under this Agreement (including without limi t)ation invoices )and b illing inform)ation))CIAa sh)all b e sufficient if in writing )and prep)aid )and if ( i))CIAa deliver ed person)ally, (ii))Cga s ent by registered or cer tified m)ail, return receip t requested, or (iii))Cha sent by ex press deli very service (such )as Feder)al Express)) where the recipient must execute its receipt, t o the p)arties’ respective )addresses below, or t o such oth er )addresses )as eithe r p)arty hereto m)ay here)a fter design)at e in writing. Non)ag en : Non)agen Biosci ence )Corp. Attn: Business Development 3680 Wilsh ire Blvd, Ste P04 - 1 399 Los Angeles, )CA 90010 Di)a)C)art)a : Aiguo Zh)ang, Ph.D. Di)a)C)art)a Inc. 4385 Hopy)a rd Rd, Ste 100 Ple)as)a nton, )CA 94588 United St)ates of Ameri c)a With co p y for Notice purposes, to : with )a copy sent to :


Di)a)C )art)a )Clinic)al Testing Agree ment – Non)agen P )age 10 of 11 I. E ntire Agr e ement. The entire Agreement between the )Comp)any )and the )Clinic)al L)abor)a t ory covering the Product Kit is set forth herein )and )any )amendment or modific)ation sh)all b e in writing )and sh)all be executed by duly )au thorized represent)ativ es in the s)ame m)a nner )as t h is Agreeme nt. The provisions of this Agreement )are sever)able, )and if )an y one or more such provisions )are determined to be il leg)al or otherwise unenforce)able, in w hole or in p)art, under the l)aws of )an y jurisd iction, the rem)aining provisions or por tions her e of sh)all, neverthe less, be binding on )and enforce)able by )and between th e p)arties her eto. Any provisions, terms or conditions of )Clinic)al L)abor)atory 's Purch)ase O r ders which )are, in )any w)ay contr)adict ing of t his Agreeme nt, except those )addition)al provision s specifyin g qu)antity )and sh ipping instructions, sh)all not be binding up o n )Comp)any )an d sh)all h)ave no )applic)ability to the s)ale of good s by )Comp)any to )Clinic)al L)ab o r)atory .. J. Publicity. E)ach p)arty is fr ee to m)a ke public the existence of this Agreeme nt once s i gned by bo th P)arties. The P)arties )a gree to m)ake every best effort to jo i ntly publici ze this Agreement. K. Applicable Law. This Agreement sets out the entire )agree m ent )and underst)anding between )Comp)any )and )Cli nic)al L)abor)atory )and sh)all be governed by )and co n strued in )accord)ance with the l)aws of the S t)ate of New York ; )and )Comp)an y )and )Clinic)a l L)abor)atory hereby irrevoc)ably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of t he c o urts of the St)ate of Ne w York .. L. Sepa rate Pro visions. If )any provision of this Agree ment sh)al l be held t o be i nv)alid, illeg)al or unenforce)able, the v)alidity, leg)alit y )and enforce )ability of the rem)aining provisions sh)all in no w)ay be )affected or imp)air ed t h ereby. M. Miscellaneous .. This Agreemen t m)ay be executed in counterp)arts in order to p rovide e)a c h p)arty wi th )a fully - executed origin)al hereof. This Agreement m)ay not b e ch)anged, m odified or )amended except by )an )agreement in writing signed by both p)arti es. The provisions of this Agreement )are hereby d eemed by the p)arties to be sever)able, )a nd the in v )alidity or unenforce)ability of )any one or more of the provisions of thi s Agreement s h)all not )affect the v)alidity )and enforce)ability of the rem)aining provisio ns t h ereof. The w)aiver by )a ny p)arty to th is Agree ment of )any bre)ach or viol)ation of )any provision s of this A greement by )any other p)arty hereto sh)all not oper)ate )as )a w)ai v er of )any ot her bre)ach. Titles )and he)adings of sections of this Agreement )are for co nven i ence )and reference only )and sh)all not )affect the construction of )any provisions of t his Agree m ent. This Agreement reflects the complete underst)anding of the p)arties )and constitu tes their entire )agreement reg)arding its subject m)atter, superseding )all prio r verb)al or written nego ti)ations, repr esent)ati ons, )agreements, underst)andings, )and st )atements r eg)arding t he subject m)atter herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p)arties h)a v e c)aused thi s Agreement to be executed by their duly )authorized officers )as of the d)a te )a n d ye)ar indic)ated )ab ove. COMPANY CLIN ICAL LABORATORY By: _________________________________ By: )Ch)arles Rosser Aiguo Zh)ang, Ph.D )CE O )CEO Non)agen B ioscience )Corpor)ation Di)a)C)art)a, Inc